Index of Capitol Records Illustrations

Company History
Illustrations: The Tower, the interviewees Don and Paula Hassler, the late Bill Muster, and interviewer, Nori Muster.

Further Details on Capitol History
Illustrations: The Capitol offices above Wallichs Music City at Sunset and Vine, before the Tower was built in 1956. Also, a photo of Don and Paula Hassler, and a 45 rpm showing the steamboat on the Reprise label.

Don Hassler History
Illustrations: Concord reel-to-reel tape recorder, Hollywood Jaycees news item (1959), Hollywood Jaycees Race program and detail photo of Johnny Grant (1956), Capitol Records memo (1959), Capitol News (c. 1952), Capitol Records Sales report (1953), Capitol Records letter from Manila and letterhead detail (1957), and Hollywood Jaycees letter and letterhead detail (1959), a 1955 photo of Stan Kenton, taken by Don Hassler, certificate of life membership in the Hollywood Jaycees (1959).

Bill Muster History
Scans of Daily Variety front page, Capitol Sales Wrap-Up front page and masthead detail, a page from the Sales Wrap-Up ("Promotion with Impact"), a "Special Hits" reply post card, and Playboy Magazine letterhead detail.

Bill Muster Fired Over Playboy
Scans of correspondence between Playboy magazine, Bill Muster, and executives at Capitol that account for the real reason Bill Muster was fired; two articles in Variety that give the party line reason.

Capitol Records Marketing Executives
Illustration: Photo of the "Capitol Gang" (Bill Muster, Perry Mayer, Dick Rising, Fred Rice, Bud Frazer, Steve Auld, and Jack Smothers).

Interview with Nori Muster
Illustrations: Nori Muster now, plus birth announcements from The Cash Box, Los Angeles Herald & Express, and Daily Variety.

Paula Hassler:
Paula, the book a photo book compiled by Nori Muster about her mother.
Paula and Bill's 1951 car trip to Mexico photos and travel diary.
My Daughter Dreses Funny Paula's 1970 article about her daughter, Nori Muster, published in the Arizona Republic Sunday magazine, December 6, 1970.
Eichler house a photo story about the Muster family in the Eichler subdivision newsletter.

Tower Opening Materials
Illustrations: Original press release, tour script, and booklet.

Cap Photo
Illustration: Capitol Records publicity photo, circa 1980, purchased from eBay.

Album Covers and Other Paraphernalia
Illustrations: Album covers for Louis Prima and Keely Smith, Frank Sinatra, Vic Damone, and one of the Stan Kenton Presents series, Boots Mussulli (sent by Rob Green). A 1959 Capitol record player for sale (sent in by Matthew Lutthans). Capitol Records magnifying glass, serving tray, and other collectible items (sent by Rob Green).

Piltdown Men
Illustrations: Album cover art from this obscure instrumental group that recorded with Capitol Records approximately 1959 - 1960.

Sales Wrap-Up, 1955 August-September 1955 Merchandising Program for Capitol Records that includes the Sales Wrap-Up and advertising materials.

Sales Wrap-Up, 1956 January-February 1956 Merchandising Program for Capitol Records that includes the Sales Wrap-Up and advertising materials.

1950s press releases various press releases.

1940s Capitol News covers Capitol News, published monthly by Capitol Publicans, Inc., Sunset and Vine, Hollywood 28, Calif., edited by Dave Dexter, Jr.

Capitol World, 1958 another publication of Capitol Records.

Annual Report, 1959 report for investors.

Capitol Records Sales Report and Order Forms salesmen's forms.

Feedback Capitol Records 1950s footage released on Youtube, April 2013.

Capitol Records Index