Click book cover to read more about Dreaming Peace, by Nori Muster.

Positive Thinking Timeline

This is a chronological list of authors who write about the concept that thoughts create reality. There are literally thousands of books and teachers of this science. Carl Jung called it alchemy, others called it secret, or ancient wisdom; some say it is religion, while others call it psychology. The authors are listed by the date of their first (or best known) book. Many are linked to their web site or to

People ask me what my favorite positive thinking books are, like, what books do I live by? I'll tell you up front so you don't have to guess from this list of thousands of books! First, I love Ernest Holmes (all his books) and Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-cybernetics. Ernest Holmes said thoughts are things, and they are. Maltz said that you can let go of your mistakes and focus your subconscious mind on positive thoughts, feelings, and goals.

One of my favorite contemporary authors is James Redfield. His stories are in the tradition of Og Mandino (1923-1996), who published The Greatest Salesman in the World in 1968. Redfield's Celestine Prophecy series has a good message for the world. Life is about love. Learn to live a good life, fight corruption, and help the world get through the paradigm shift.

There are many more great authors - this page represents my research during the years I was writing my positive thinking book.

The timeline is arranged by decade, so scroll to the top and scroll to the right.

More Authors

The timeline continues to evolve as there are many more authors who have not been added to the timeline yet. I estimate that there are more than 300 authors represented on this list.

If you want to look them up, use the Amazon window or Melvyl (click here for Melvyl), University of California library system. (Click the option to log in as a guest.)


Click book cover to read more about Dreaming Peace, by Nori Muster.

Plato The Allegory of the Cave, from The Republic. Plato was one of the early roots of the New Thought Movement. Read this work online: click here Aristotle



Lao Tsu


Kahlil Gibran

Marcus Aurelius

Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)

Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)

John Milton (1608-1674)

Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)

Nicholas de Chamford (1741-1794)

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) books available through: - -

J.C.F. von Schiller (1759 - 1759)

William Ellery Channing (1780-1842)

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Napoleon Bonaparte

Saint Augustine

William Shakespeare

Benjamin Franklin - Autobiography

Thomas Jefferson

Martha Washington

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) On Self-Reliance (1841), his essay "Experience," Emerson sets down the basis of the new age philosophy that we see what we think we see, and our vision is the world where we live.

1824 Emma Curtis Hopkins, High Mysticism 19th Century new thought movement.

1860 Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) Self Help: with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance

1887 Julius A. Dresser - Mental Science - The true history of mental science: a lecture (1887)

1891 Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924) - founded Success Magazine in 1891. Other books: Pushing to the Front, Vol. I, Vol. II (1894) Learn more about Marden and his publication, Success magazine

1892 Annie Wood Besant (1847-1933) - Theosophical Society - Blasphemy (1882); Annie Besant; an autobiography (1893); The birth and evolution of the soul (1895); The ancient wisdom an outline of theosophical teachings(1897); Ancient ideals in modern life (1901); Thought Power: Its Control and Culture (1908); Australian lectures (1908); The basis of the Theosophical Society (1910); The brotherhood of religions (1913); The basis of morality (1915); Birth of new India (1917); Brahmavidya (divine wisdom) (1923); Beauties of Islam (1932); Annie Besant, builder of new India (1942)

1898 Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) - Church of Christian Science - Christian science versus pantheism, and other messages to the Mother church (1898); Christian healing [and other writings] (1908); Essays and Bible lessons (1959)

1899 William James - Harvard professor, psychologist, philosopher - The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), in his classic 1902 book, he calls New Thought a "Religion of Healthy Mindedness." Read it online: click here essay: The Gospel of Relaxation (1899)

1800s Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) - New Thought - Immanuel (1960); The healing wisdom of Dr. P.P. Quimby, edited by Mason Alonzo Clark (1982); The complete writings (1988)

Other Positive Thinkers from the 1800s:
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) (1819-1880).
Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) - known as one of America's greatest psychics
Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902) - Vedanta Society
Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
Mark Twain (Samuel Clements) (1835-1910)
Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) Self-Realization Fellowship
Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870)
Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)
Andre Godin (1817 - 1888)
Charles Kingsley (1819 - 1875)
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)
Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
Samuel Ullman (??)
Anatole France (1844-1924)
Alice Meynell (1847-1922)
Francis Marion Crawford (1854 - 1909)
Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Grandma Moses (1860-1961)
Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957)
William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943)
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959)
Benjamin N. Cardozo (1870-1938)
Anton Chekhov (1872 - 1937)
Colette (Sidonie-Gabrielle) (1873-1954)
W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965)
Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)
Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923)
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973)
Madam Blavatsky (1831 - 1891) and Col. Henry S. Olcott, founders, Theosophical Society
Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), Theosphical Society, coined the phrase "New Age" to describe the New Thought Movement - Books: The Consciousness of the Atom (1922); The Soul and its Mechanism (1930); From Intellect to Intuition (1932); From Bethlehem to Calvary (1937); The Unfinished Autobiography (1951) Abraham Lincoln
Theodore Roosevelt Orison Swett Marden, founder, Success Magazine (1891)


1902 James Allen (1864 - 1912) - New Thought - As a Man Thinketh, The Path to Prosperity, The Mastery of Destiny, The Way of Peace, and Entering the Kingdom; for women: As a Woman Thinketh by Dorothy J. Hulst, James Allen

1904 Annie Rix Militz (d. 1924) - Home of Truth - Primary lessons in Christian living and healing (1904); All things are possible to them that believe. Thou shalt decree (1905); The renewal of the body (1913); Prosperity through the knowledge and power of mind (1916); The protecting presence (1917); The way to heal as taught by Jesus Christ (1918); The wonderful wishers of wishing well (19??); Concentration (1918); Generation and regeneration (1922); Immortality in the flesh (1927); Impersonal healing (1958); None of these things move me (1961)

Follett, Mary Parker (1868-1933) The speaker of the House of representatives (introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart, PH. D.) (1904) The new state, group organization the solution of popular government (1918) Creative experience (1923) Freedom & co-ordination: lectures in business organization (collection published 1987) Dynamic administration (the collected papers of Mary Parker Follett (1973) Mary Parker Follett - prophet of management : a celebration of writings from the 1920s (edited by Pauline Graham ; preface by Rosabeth Moss Kanter ; introduction by Peter F. Drucker (1995)

1906 Horatio Willis Dresser - New Thought - Health and the inner life: an analytical and historical study of spiritual healing theories, with an account of the life and teachings of P. P. Quimby (1906); The Quimby manuscripts (1921)

1907 Frank Channing Haddock, The Power of Will: A Practical Companion Book for the Unfoldment of the Powers of Mind

1904 Thomas Troward - The Edinburgh Lectures (1904) were the basis for the modern era of New Thought. Had a large influence on Ernest Holmes (see 1926) who credited Troward with fully twenty-five percent of his own Science of Mind. The Creative Process in the Individual (1991), The Law and the Word (1917), Thomas Troward: An Intimate Memoir of the Teacher and the Man, by Harry Gaze, Hidden Power (1997), The Dore Lectures on Mental Sciences

1910s Charles Baudouin - Suggestion and Autosuggestion.

1910 Carl Jung (1875-1961) psychoanalyst, author, founder of modern psychology (note, he came on the scene in 1910 with Freud, but only started to publish his books later (click here to link to Jung reading lists at Amazon). Man and His Symobols (1964)

1912 Harriette Emilie Cady (1848-1941) - Unity Church - God a present help (1912); How I Used Truth (1916); Lessons in truth : a course of twelve lessons in practical Christianity (1913); Miscellaneous writings by H. Emilie Cady (1924)

1912 Charles (1854-1948) and Myrtle Fillmore - Unity Church - Temple talks (1912); Christian healing: The Science of Being (1920); Talks on truth (1934); Mysteries of Genesis (1936); Atom-smashing power of mind (1951); Dynamics for living (1967); Jesus Christ heals; Keep a true Lent (1957); The Twelve Powers of Man (1950), Metaphysical Bible dictionary (1953); Prosperity (1936); The revealing word (1959); Teach us to pray (1941)

1915 Russell H. Conwell (1843-1925) Temple University Acres of Diamonds: All Good Things Are Possible, Right Where You Are, and Now! (1915) Conwell was a minister, the founder of Temple University, lecturer (read bio:

1917 Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes (1883- ) Healing at a distance (1917, w/ Ernest Holmes); The law of mind in action: daily lessons and treatments in mental and spiritual science (1919); How to develop faith that heals (1919); The unfailing formula (191?); Being and becoming; a book of lessons in the science of mind showing how to find the personal spirit (1920); Practical healing (1921); Songs of the silence and other poems (1925); Text book in the science of mind : psychology and metaphysics applied to everyday living (1925); Religion and mental science Lyrics of life and love (1930); Joan's voices (1934); How to solve your personal problem: the God-law and the key to power (1938); Text book of practical healing : the "Just how course" in healing the mental science way (1943); Healing treatments in verse (1943); Tiny textbook of meditation and the Lord's prayer (1951); Tiny textbook of mental healing (195?); The science of faith: how to make yourself believe (1953); Ernest Holmes: his life and times (1970); Philip's cousin Jesus: the untold story (1981, ed. Margaret McEathron); Portrait in poetry of Fenwicke Holmes (compiled and arranged by Margaret McEathron, 1990)

1917 Dr. Frank Crane - Four Minute Essays other books

1917 Charles F. Haanel (1866-1949) The Master Key System; Mental Chemistry and The New Psychology

1921 Genevive Behrand - School of Builders - Your Invisible Power

1921 Genevieve Behrend - School of Builders - Your Invisible Power: Working Principles & Concrete Examples in Applied Mental Science

1922 Emile Coué (1857 - 1926) My Method (1922). Coue was a pharmacist in France who noticed that people could heal without drugs if they believed they could. Self-Mastry Through Conscious Autosuggestion (1922).

1925 Florence Scovel Shinn (1871-1940) The Game of Life Game of Life cards: click here

1925 Robert Collier (1885-1950) Riches Within Your Reach: The Law of the Higher Potential (1947); other books: The Robert Colier letter book (1931); Secret of the Ages (1926); Be Rich, Prayer Works; The lost word of power (1930); The book of life (1925); The life magnet (1928); The law of the higher potential (1947); The amazing secrets of the masters of the Far East (1956); Renew thy youth like the eagle (1958); The God in you (1937); God never ordered it thus (1938)

1926 Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) - Religious Science / Science of Mind first published in 1926, then edited and republished under the same title in 1938. The 1938 version has been used ever since as the basis for all Religious Science churches, whether UCRS (United Church of Religious Science) or RSI (Religious Science International). Holmes has many other books. . . . Ernest Holmes' biography, by Reginald C. Armor: That Was Ernest: The Story of Ernest Holmes & the Religious Science Movement (2000), The Magic of Love (1992)

1926 George S. Clason (1874-1957) The Richest Man in Babylon (collection published in 1988)

1929 Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) - New Thought - The aims of education, and other essays (1929); Adventure of ideas (1933); Alfred North Whitehead: an anthology, selected by F.S.C. Northrop and Mason W. Gross (1953); The concept of nature (1957); American essays in social philosophy, ed. A.H. Johnson (1959)

Yogananda - Self-Realization Fellowship -

Charles Lindbergh

Henry Ford

H.G. Wells (1866 - 1946), author of A Short History of the World, The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and many other stories, was an influential writer in this era. Here is a recent book about him that provides optimists with even more reasons to hope the world will get better:

Open Conspiracy
H.G. Wells on World Revolution, by H. G. Wells, W. Warren Wagar (Editor)

Amazon Book Description
H.G. Wells was acclaimed during his lifetime as one of the most original and creative thinkers of the 20th century, and retains to this day a position of considerable importance in the history of ideas. In 1928 when he wrote this cry for a new age of worldwide knowledge networking, there was no Internet. Yet Wells was already convinced that if only thinking people across the planet could somehow pull together and pool their expertise, energy, and insights into sort of "cerebrum for humanity," then the world would be a saner, safer, better, fairer place. Anyone aware of how the Internet already reflects both the vices and the virtues of society and wonders how a world-renowned visionary like H.G. Wells envisaged knowledge networking as working in practice will enjoy this book. It is a hymn to the practical possibilities of world group action.

About the Author
W. WARREN WAGAR is the Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at Binghamton University, and a Vice President of the H.G. Wells Society. He is the author of several books on Wells.

Other books by H.G. Wells: . . .

1930 Fulton J. Sheen - Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of New York (1895-1979) Your Life Is Worth Living (1965) First radio show: "The Catholic Hour" (1930-1950); first television show: "Life Is Worth Living" (1951-1957); final TV show: "The Fulton Sheen Program" (1961-1968) He denounced Communisim and produced inspirational materials. Urban Legend he predicted the death of Joseph Stalin. Simple Truths: Thinking Life Through With Fulton J. Sheen.

1930 Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Conquest of Happiness

1932 George W. Crane, Dr. (1901 - ) Psycholgoy Applied

1934 Emmet Fox (1886-1951) - Unity Church - Find and Use Your Inner Power (1934?) . . . Unity Church (1886-1951) Power Through Constructive Thinking (1940).

1936 Dorothea Brande Wake Up and Live (1936)

1936 David W. Josselyn - Why be Tired (1936)

1936 Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (19??), How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking; Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

1937 Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) Think and Grow Rich (1937) Other Hill books: The Law of Success (as flyers, newsletters, 1926; as book, 1937); Grow Rich With Peace of Mind (1967); Success through a Positive Mental Attitude (1960), The Master-Keys to Riches (1965), Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion (with E. Harold Keown, 1970), How to Raise Your Own Salary, Science of Success Course

1939 Peter Drucker (1909-2005) The End of Economic Man: The Origins of Totalitarianism and many more including The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management

1939 Bill Wilson Alcoholics Anonymous (1939)

1939 Reginald C. Armor (1903 - ) Mind does it (1939); Ernest Holmes, the man (1977)

Eleanor Roosevelt

1945 Prescott Lecky (1892-1941) Self Consistencey, a Theory of Personality (1945)

1948 Claude M. Bristol (1891-1951) Magic of Believing: the science of setting your goal and then reaching it (1948); also: TNT, the power within you; how to release the forces inside you -- and get what you want! (1954)

1949 Frank Bettger How I raised myself from failure to Success in Selling

1940s? J.C. Penny, Fifty Years with the Golden Rule (of department store fame)

1950s Joseph Murphy, The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power, Miracle Power for Infinite Riches, Your Infinite Power to Be Rich, The Cosmic Power Within You, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

1952 Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993) The Power of Positive Thinking (1952); Six Attitudes for Winners 1989; You Can if You Think You Can; The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking (1959), and many others. Peale was a Christian minister. Peale's work continues under The Peale Center for Christian Living and Guideposts Magazine.

1952 Mildred Mann - Society of Pragmatic Mysticism - How to find your real self (1952); Mind and consciousness (1977); Become what you believe (1970); Pragmatic mysticism (197?); A metaphysical and symbolical interpretation of the Bible (197?)

1956 Earl Nightingale (1921 - 1989) The Strangest Secret (1956; new audio/book edition, ed. Diana Nightingale, 1996), The Essence of Success(mid-1950s); Earl Nightingale Website: or

1956 Les Giblin, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People; Skill With People; The Art of Dealing with People How To Be People Smart: The skill that brings great rewards and personal satisfaction; Core Selling Skills; Originator and conductor of the Les Giblin Clinic on Human Relations (friend of Maxwell Maltz, read his manuscript)

1958 Vernon Linwood Howard (1918 - 1992) modern mystic, spiritual teacher - Wisdom of the Ages, esoteric wisdom - Legacy: A New Life - Word power: talk your way to life leadership (1958); Success through the magic of personal power (1961); Psycho-pictography: the new way to use the miracle power of your mind (1965); The power of your supermind (1967); Esoteric encyclopedia of eternal knowledge (1974); The mystic masters speak! a treasury of cosmic wisdom (1974); There is a way out! (1975); Esoteric mind power: secrets for new success and happiness (1980); An awakened life with Vernon Howard (audio, 1980); Mystery stories for winning happiness (1981); Live above this crazy world (1983); Expose human sharks: 100 ways (1983); The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power (date?); and Secrets for Higher Success (date?)

1959 David J. Schwartz, Ph.D., University of Georgia The Magic of Thinking Big (1959), The Magic of Thinking Success (1987) Business man who shares his secrets to success.

Manly Hall (1901-1990) The Philosophical Research Society

Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981) Websites for her work: -

Dr. Robert H. Schuller (1926 - ) founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Anaheim/Garden Grove - followed Norman Vincent Peale; both were trained and ordained in the Dutch Reformed protestant sect, and successfully combined positive thinking with Bible teachings.

Frederico Fellini, film maker

1960 Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S. (1899-1975) Psycho-Cybernetics (1960). Maltz was a plastic surgeon who believed that attitudes are as important as appearances, offers his theories to give yourself a mental facelift. Also The conquest of frustration, with Raymond Charles Barker

1960 W. Clement Stone Success through a Positive Mental Attitude co-author (1960), The Success System That Never Fails (1962), Believe and Achieve (audio series). Successful businessman, a follower of Napolen Hill, who also wrote a book with Hill.

1961 Albert Ellis (1913 - ) New Guide to Rational Living (1961); Guide to Personal Happiness (1986) . . . The Albert Ellis Reader: A Guide to Well-Being Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy by Shawn Blau (Editor), Albert Ellis (Editor); Growth Through Reason

1960 Bernard Haldane - How to Make a Habit of Success

1962 Samm S. Baker - Your Key to Creative Thinking

1962 Catherine Ponder - Unity Church - The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Forces That Bring Riches To You (1962).

1965 Eric Butterworth - Unity Church - Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within (1969) Life is for Living (1965); Life is for Loving (1973); In the Flow of Life (1975); How to break the Ten commandments (1977); Celebrate yourself! (1984)

1967 William Samuel - A Guide to Awareness and Tranquility

1968 Augustine "Og" Mandino (1923-1996) The Greatest Salesman in the World (1968) other books: The Christ Commission, The Greatest Secret in the World, The Greatest Miracle in the World (1988), Success University, The Choice. A multi-millionaire who was penniless before reading Think and Grow Rich. He wrote several best sellers that are fictional stories with a message about prosperity.

1969 Thomas A. Harris - Transactional Analysis - I'm OK - You're OK

1969 - Raymond Hull How to Get What You Want

1969 - Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy Verbatim

1970 - Barry Stevens (Gestalt) Don't Push The River

1973 Ken Keys, Jr. - Handbook to Higher Consciousness (1973) and numerous other books

1973 Raymond Charles Barker How to Be Healthy Wealthy Happy (1986), The Power of Decision (1997), Treat Yourself to Life (1996), Collected Wisdom of Dr. Raymond Charles Barker (1994), The Science of Successful Living (1984), You Are Invisible (1986), You Are Invisible; No One Has Seen Your Consciousness (1973), The conquest of frustration co-author with Maxwell Maltz

1975 Wayne Dyer, Counseling techniques that work: applications to individual and group counseling (1975); Gifts from Eykis (1983); Group counseling for personal mastery: everything you need to know to lead any group in any setting (1980); Your erroneous zones: step-by-step advice for escaping the trap of negative thinking (1976); Pulling your own strings (1978); Sky's the limit (1980); Counseling effectively in groups (1973); Happy holidays! uplifting advice about how to avoid holiday blues and recapture the true spirit of Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's (1986); and Manifest Your Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything You Want (1999)

1975 Donald Curtis - Science of Mind - Daily Power for Joyful Living, Human Problems & How to Solve Them, Science of Mind in Daily Living, Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life

1976 William H. Danforth I Dare You

1976 Dr. John A. Schindler, M.D. How to Live 365 Days a Year . . . new: How to Live 365 Days a Year: And Live 365 of Them Happily

1977 Alexander Everett The Genuis Within You audio cassette; Inner Wealth audio cassette (1969 set up Mind Dynamics, then Success Dynamics in 1977. He employed and taught many people who have since established their own organizations such as EST, Lifestream, Lifespring, Context Training, Psi World and many others hence his name as the 'teacher of teachers')

1978 Ben Sweetland I Will (1978), I Can: the Key to Life's Golden Secrets, Grow Rich While You Sleep

1978 Richard Nelson Bolles The Three Boxes of Life and How to Get Out of Them: An Introduction to Life-Work Planning (1978); What Color is Your Parachute: How to Create a Picture of Your Ideal Job or Next Career (first edition came out in 1985; this is the 2003 edition)

1979 Frederick W. Bailes Hidden Power for Human Problems (1994), Your Mind Can Heal You (1979)

1979 Norman Cousins - disease recovery - Anatomy of an Illness (1979) Human Options

Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

Thich Naht Hanh - Vietnamese Buddhism -

1980 Uell S. Andersen, Three Magic Words (1980), Magic in Your Mind (1981), Secret of Secrets (1981), Success Cybernetics (1986), Secret Power of the Pyramids, Greatest Power in the Universe

1981 Eileen Caddy (1917-2006), God Spoke to Me co-founder of Findhorn Foundation.

1981 Roger Fisher, William Ury - Getting to Yes

1982 Charles E. Jones Life Is Tremendous (1982)

1982 D. Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson The One Minute Manager

1983 Shakti Gwain, Creative Visualization other books: Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation (19xx), Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance for Daily Life

1983 J. Paul Getty, How to Be Rich

1980s Anthony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical & Financial Destiny! (1991); Personal power! (audio, 1993); Powertalk! strategies for lifelong success (audio, 1993); Powertalk! The Six Master Steps to Change (audio tape 1994); On the topic of time: poems (1995); Notes from a Friend (1995); Unlimited power: a Black choice (1997); Unlimited power: the new science of personal achievement (1997); Introduction to Personal Power: The Driving Force! (1997); Your Driving Force: 7 Simple Steps to Immediately Transform Fear and Frustration into Joy and Fulfillment (date?)

1986 Barbara Sher, Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want

1986 Ervin Seale, Mingling minds: some commentary on the philosophy and practice of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1986)

1986 Bernie S. Siegel - mind-body healing - Love, medicine, & miracles: lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon's experience with exceptional patients

1987 Louise Hay - body-mind healing You Can Heal Your Life (1987)

1987 Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money: Keys to Abundance

1988 Thomas Peters In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies

1988 Charles Givens, Wealth without risk: how to develop a personal fortune without going out on a limb (1988); Superself; Financial self-defense: how to win the fight for financial freedom (1990); More wealth without risk: how to develop a personal fortune without going out on a limb (1991)

1989 Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood

Chicken Soup for the Soul series

Mark Victor Hansen, Master Motivator, co-author Chicken Soup series

Dalai Lama - Tibetan Buddhism - The Art of Happiness

Dick Sutphen - books, tapes, workshops, newsletter and

Gerald Jampolsky, Love is Letting Go of Fear

Hazeldon Books - recovery from abuse, addictions

Jeanie Marshall

John Gray, Men are from Mars series - relationship self-help

Dr. Adrew Weil (Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing, 1999)

1990 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

1990 Stephen R. Covey (1932 - ) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

1991 Alex Osborn Your Creative Power: How to use your imagination to brighten life, to get ahead

1992 Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity (1992)

1992 Marianne Williamson (1952 - ) - Unity Church and A Course In Miracles - A return to love: reflections on the principles of a Course in miracles (1992); A woman's worth (1993); Illuminata: thoughts, prayers, rites of passage (1994); The healing of America (1997); Enchanted love: the mystical power of intimate relationships (1999); Imagine: what America could be in the 21st century: visions of a better future from leading American thinkers (ed. Marianne Williamson photographs by Joseph Sohm, 2000)

1992 Susan A. Jackson, Elite athletes in flow the psychology of optimal sport experience (1992)

1993 Brian Tracy, Maximum achievement: the proven system of strategies and skills that will unlock your hidden powers to succeed (1993); The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success (2000); Eat that frog! : 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time (2001)

1994 James Redfield The Celestine Prophecy: an Adventure (1994)

1994 Zig Zigler Sell Your Way to the Top (1994); many other books; website

1995 by Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron-Tieger, Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type, (this edition published in 2001)

1995 Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams - Boundless Energy: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Overcoming Chronic Fatigue, 1997 (other titles on health and well-being)

1995 Michael J. Ritt Jr., Kirk Landers, Lifetime of Riches: the biography of Napoleon Hill

1996 John Cook (ed.) The Fairview Guide to Positive Quotations: Believed to Be the World's Largest Collection of Such Thoughts and Sayings

1996 Caroline Myss Anatomy of Spirit, 1997 - Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential (2002); other titles, beginning in 1996

1997 Richard Carlson Shortcut Through Therapy, You Can Be Happy No Matter What, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (1997)

1997 Charlene Belitz The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life With Meaningful Coincidence

1997 Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko, The Millionare Next Door

1998 John C. Maxwell The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Workbook, Developing The Leader Within You, The 17 Indisputable Laws Of Teamwork Embrace Them And Empower Your Team, The Winning Attitude, Your Pathway to Personal Success (1996), Your Road Map For Success You Can Get There From Here (2002), Failing Forward how To Make The Most Of Your Mistakes (2000) (24 books as of 2000)

1998 Spencer Johnson Who Moved My Cheese?

1999 John Gray How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Personal Success (author of the Men are From Mars and Women are From Venus series)

1999 Adam Khan Self-Help Stuff that Works

1999 Editors of Success Magazine Real Success: Based on the Writings of Success Magazine Founder Orison Swett Marden, by Ken Shelton (Introduction), the Editors of Success Magazine (Editor);

2000 Bergin's Basics : How To Succeed At Everything You Do, by Thomas F. Bergin. Go to author's website:

2000 David Niven The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It

2001 Randy Gilbert - Success coach - Success Bound: Breaking Free of Mediocrity; Websites: Dr. Proactive and Success Bound

2002 Lynn Grabhorn Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings

2002 Robert T. Kiyosaki Retire Young, Retire Rich (2002), Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom, Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (2000)

2002 Christian De Quincey Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter

2002 Malcolm Gladwell (1963 -  ) The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference - Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

2000s Mason Weaver

T. Harv Eker, Millionaire Mind, Secrets of the Millionare Mind A site for positive thinking professionals and students. seminars eBay shop that sells positive thinking materials.

2005 Dean Gould The Greatest Sales Book Ever Written author's website:

2007 Rhonda Byrne The Secret *

2007 Nori Muster Dreaming Peace: The History of Positive Thinking and What It Means in the Post-Truth Era

2008 Carol Rutter Burying the Secret: The Road to Ruin Is Paved with Books About the Law of Attraction

2015 Robert Greene 48 Laws of Power . . . this piercing work distills 3,000 years of the history of power into 48 well-explicated laws. . . . synthesizing the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl von Clausewitz, and other infamous strategists.

Terry Braverman & Company

A.H.Z. Carr, How to Attract Good Luck

Alex Morrison (computers), The Seven Morrison Keys

Albert C. Grier - Churches of the Truth, Universalism

Alfred Adler - What Life Should Mean to You

Allan Fromme, Dr., The Ability to Love, Our Troubled Selves

Andrew Weil

Annetta Gertrude Dresser, The philosophy of P. P. Quimby, with selections from his manuscripts and a sketch of his life

Better Golf without Practice - other sports self-help books

Bob Proctor, Born Rich

Brian Adams, How to Succeed, Sales Cybernetics

Carl Rogers

Charles Baudoin, Suggestion and Autosuggestion

Charles M. Simmons, Your Subconscious Power

Cheryl Canfield (Peace Pilgrim biographer)

Cheryl Richardson, Take Time for Your Life

Chrisitan D. Larson

C.W. Bailey, Practical Guide to Success & Popularity

Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

David (Dresser) Seabury - New Thought

Della Reese

Denis Waitley

Dex Yager - motivational newsletter, tapes, convention speaker (Amway)

Donald Mitchell, 2000 Percent Solution

Dr. Eccles and Dr. Sherrington (engrams)

Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Elwood Worcester, Body, Mind and Spirit

Executive Excellence Press - Personal Excellence and Executive Excellence books, tapes, CD-ROMs, custom editions, reprints, etc.

Financial Self-Defense

Franklin Bettger

Frank S. Caprio, M.D., Guide to Living in Balance, Helping Yourself with Psychiatry

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Gay Hendricks - affirmations

Hans Selye (Dr.), The Stress of Life (about aging)

Harvey Mackay, How to Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive, Sharkproof

Henry Drummond

Henry Wood

Henry J. Kaiser, You can imagine your future

Herbert A. Otto, Ph.D., Guide to Developing Your Potential

Dr. Irwin H. Schell, leadership

Iyanla VanZant, Tapping The power Within - Unity (tape)

Jack Addington

James Mangan, The Nack of Selling Yourself

Joel Goldsmith - Church of Christian Science

John R. Colt, Becoming a Millionaire Within a Year With no Effort

John von Newmann, The Computer and the Brain

Joe Madison the Black Eagle - website:

Joseph Campbell - myth

Jose Silva - The Silva Mind Control Method

Joseph Rossman, The Psychology of Invention

John J.B. Morgan, Making the Most of Your Life

Ken Shelton

Larry Dossey, Science, Spirit and soul - Unity (tape)

Laura Huxley, You Are Not the Target

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Leslie D. Weatherhead (Dr.), Prescription for Anxiety

Lew Losoncy, Dr., Think Your Way to Success

Malinda Cramer & Nona Brooks - Divine Science

Marilyn Sorenson, Breaking the Chain of Low Self Esteem - Unity

Martin Panzer, How to Develop a Winning Personality

Mathew N. Chappell (Dr.), How to Control Worry

Melvin Powers, Practial Guide to Self-Hypnosis, Dynamic Thinking, Mental Power through Sleep Suggestion

Metaphysical Meditations

Michael Dell, Direct from Dell

Mike Litman

Millionare University Reading List:

More Wealth Without Risk

M.P. Leahy, M.D., How to Overcome Your Fears

Neville Goddard

Nona Brooks - Divine Science

Norton L. Williams (Dr.)

Norvell, How to Control Your Destiny

Patrick Fanning - Visualization for Change: Using the Creative Power of Your Imagination for Self-Improvement, Therapy, Healing & Pleasure

Paul Kurtz, Dr., Exuberance: Your Guide to Happiness & Fulfillment

Personal Excellence magazine

E.M. Gray - The Common Denominator of Success

Phillip C. McGraw "Dr. Phil" - Self Matters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out, other books

Prentice Mulford

Ralph Waldo Trine

Raymond Charles Barker

Reverend Ike

R. Henderson, Helping Yourself with Applied Psychology

1979 Robert Anthony, The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence

Robert J. Ringer

Samuel A. Cypert

Scott Alexander

Sidney S. Greenberg, Rabbi, Treasury of Comfort, Treasury of the Art of Living

Stanley Ralph Ross (studied Edger Cayce)

Susan Smith Jones, Wired to Meditate - Unity (tape)

Suzanne Falter-Barnes, How Much Joy Can You Stand - Unity

Thomas L. Pauley, Penelope Pauley, I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams

Vash Young

Vikter Frankl

Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich

Walter M. Germain, Magic Power of Your Mind

Walt Goodridge, Lessons in Success

Walter Lanyon

Warren Felt Evans - New Thought -

Werner Erhart - founder of EST, student of Alexander Everett -

Westbrook Pegler

William Atkinson

William Osler, Dr., A Way of Life

William Nichols, Words to Live By

William W. Edwards, 10 Days to a Great New Life

Y. Saparina, Cybernetics Within Us

Laurie Beth Jones - Personal Success Trainer - The Path

Cynthia Kersey, Author and Motivational Speaker

Peter Lowe, Internationally acclaimed success strategist

Jim Rohn, Personal and Business Success Trainer website

Noah St. John, Author and Motivational Speaker

Debbie Allen, Shamless Self-Promoters

Dan S. Kennedy, No B.S. Business Success

Jay Conrad Levison, Guerrilla Marketing

Raleigh Pinskey, Promote Yourself

Joe Vitale, Customer Born

Robert Allen, Personal Financial Strategist

Roger Dawson, Power Negotiating

Dottie Walters, Speak and Grow Rich

Paul Hartunian, Publicity strategist

Daily Motivator, by Ralph S. Marston, Jr., presents: Right Now

Richard Poe

Scott DeGarmo

Kenneth M. Goode, How to Turn People into Gold

Jess Lair 1976 I Ain't Much Baby - but I'm All I got

Gerald S. Nirenberg, Dr., 1963, Getting Through to People

1900 Ralph Gerard (1900-1974)

Arlene Raven

Ayn Rand

David V.A. Ambrose

Diana Schneider

Dr. Frank Crane

George Washington

Helen Keller

Henry B. Wilson

Ivern Ball

Jelaluddin Rumi

John Lubbock

Max Depree

Mike Todd

Nelson Boswell

Preston Bradley

Richard Wilkins

Sam Ewing

Thomas Drier

W.W. Ziege

Winston Churchill

Yogi Berra

Affirm Ware Software has the tools to chisel away limiting beliefs and sculpt the future you dream of.

Executive Excellence Press - Personal Excellence and Executive Excellence books, tapes, CD-ROMs, custom editions, reprints, etc.

Index of positive thinking autors at (site now offline): John Abdo, Jay Abraham, Lou Adler, Tony Alessandra, Robert G. Allen, Howard Berg, Ken Blanchard , Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Richard Carlson, Deepak Chopra, Stephen Covey, John Cummutu, Roger Dawson, Bert Decker, Larry Dossey, Wayne Dyer, Gerald Epstein , Neil Fiore, PhD, Scott Flansburg, Ed Foreman, Michael Gelb, Michael E. Gerber, Seth Godin, Nick Hall, Ph.D., Mark Victor Hansen, Napoleon Hill, Tom Hopkins, Kerry L. Johnson , Dan Kennedy, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Conrad Levinson, Alec Mackenzie, Mel Mackenzie Brown, Harvey Mackay, Thomas J. Leonard, Howard Martin, Dalton McCrary, Dan Millman, Peter Montoya , Earl Nightingale , Chris Northrup, Gary Null, Paul Pearsall Ph.D., Lee Pulos, Ph.D, Anthony "Tony" Robbins, Jim Rohn, Colin Rose, Bill Staton , Elaine St. James, Robert Stuberg, Peter Thomson , Brian Tracy, Kevin Trudeau, Dr. Kenneth Ruge, Dr. Richard Shoup, Denis Waitley, Jim Warner, James Waldroop, Zig Ziglar.