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Positive psychology: these books are now available free on this website - click on the links below

Dreaming Peace - a concise guide to positive thinking for the twenty-first century.

Positive Quotations: Wisdom from the Master Mind - quotations that promote positive thinking and a better future.

Learning to Flow with the Dao: The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching - read your I Ching and learn to flow with changes. Develop a better attitude using this ancient Daoist text.

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Cult dynamics: except for Betrayal of the Spirit, these books are now available free on this website - click on the links below

Betrayal of the Spirit: My Life behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement - "An important testimony that might be instructive to those involved in the leadership of any religious movement" - Publisher's Weekly. Nori's memoir and biography of the Hare Krishna organization.

Cult Survivors Handbook: Seven Paths to an Authentic Life - a recovery handbook for people who were hurt in totalistic groups.

Child of the Cult - the stories of children who grew up in five fundamentalist new age religious groups, collected and interpreted by Nori Muster.

Cultic Studies Papers by Nori

Contact Nori
- always happy to hear from people.
